77% of small Businesses use Facebook for Revenue, Facebook
More than 77% of small and medium enterprises (SBMs) generate revenue using the Facebook platform.
This was revealed in the Global State of Small Business 2022 report released by Meta.
The report, based on a survey of 24,000 MBM leaders from 30 countries and regions, aimed to gather details for research and policy support to support these organizations.
According to the survey, 18% of MBAs in South Asia have been successful in increasing employment during the Corona virus epidemic. The highest rate was recorded in Pakistan at 26% while in India it was only 9%.In addition, in Pakistan and the Philippines, 35% and 34% of companies, respectively, planned office operations.
Meanwhile, non-government financial sources remained popular in some countries and regions and Pakistan topped the list with 32% SMBs where private sector capital increased.
The study was conducted in January at a time when code cases were on the rise in most parts of the world due to the Omicron type.
According to the study, 75% of women-led and 83% of male-led SMBs use the Facebook platform worldwide for operational or revenue-generating activities. Women’s institutions are more likely to report an employee not having a university degree than male-led SMBs.
In addition, the possibility of using digital tools by female SMBs was further explored. According to the report, small businesses across the country faced difficulties during the Corona virus epidemic.
When Meta surveyed thousands of SMBs globally in 2021, there were signs of recovery, but the wave of Omicron affected sales and supply chains, forcing many companies to close their doors once again. ۔
According to the survey, more than a third of small businesses that sold at least 50 percent of their products digitally reported an improvement in overall sales.