
Islamabad is likely to be cut off from other parts of the country before the PTI march

The federal capital is likely to be cut off from the rest of the country, regardless of whether Islamabad’s entrances and exits are controlled by the government or the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on May 25.

According to the report, Capital Police officials said that two plans have been drawn upon the direction of the government, PTI march participants will be allowed to enter the capital or they will be stopped at entry points.

However, no final decision has been made yet but in both cases, the red zone will be sealed except for the single entry/exit point on Margalla Road.

Officials said that if the government allows PTI to enter the capital, then Plan ‘A’ will be implemented but in that case, the marchers will not be allowed to cross the zero point, Faizabad, Bhara. Say, Rawat and Golra will be sealed with containers and police will be deployed.

If the government does not allow PTI to enter the capital, then Plan B will be implemented, under which all entrances will be sealed and marchers will be stopped at Attock and Jhelum bridges.

Also motorways and GT. Local PTI leaders and activists will be arrested for blocking the road, officials said, adding that a list of more than 400 local leaders and activists has been compiled, as directed by the government. Their arrest will begin.

In addition, places have been identified where PTI and its student wing workers have been hiding since reaching the capital from other parts of the country.

There are more than 300 workers on Kasuri Road near the residence of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Bani Gala, most of whom belong to the Insaf Student Federation (ISF).

Plan to arrest Imran Khan

Officials said a plot to arrest Imran Khan was hatched last Friday night but failed. The PTI chairman was in Multan for a public rally that day, saying a large contingent had reached Bani Gala to arrest him.

However, the police plan was leaked and came to the notice of the PTI leadership after which Imran Khan did not return to the capital. Later, the Capitol Police Chief and SSP Operations were removed from their posts.

The containers were brought back to the capital to seal off the red zone and city entrances, officials said.

So far 500 containers have been handed over to the police and 300 containers were required to seal the red zone which has already started to be installed and will be completed by Monday night or Tuesday morning.

The only way to enter the red zone on Margalla Road will be open, but police and paramilitary forces will be stationed there.

Officials said all types of holidays have been canceled for the capital police except for emergencies.

Meanwhile, the Capitol Police has requested 8,000 Punjab Constabulary personnel along with 2,000 anti-rights unit personnel from Punjab, 2,000 personnel from Sindh, and 4,000 Rangers personnel from Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. Police personnel has been called.

In addition, the capital police seized dozens of inmate vans and water cannon vehicles from their counterparts in other provinces.

Capital police have 20,000 long and short-range tear gas shells and thousands of rubber bullets have been seized.

The capital administration also sought the opinion of the police on the schedule of the PTI sit-in in the capital yesterday.

The letter sent by the District Magistrate’s Office sought the opinion of the Senior Superintendent of Police, Assistant Inspector-General of Police Special Branch, and Assistant Commissioner Industrial Area.

Earlier, the PTI Islamabad Chapter in a letter to the Deputy Commissioner informed about a public gathering on Srinagar Highway and requested security and other facilities, the letter said. It has been decided to hold a peaceful gathering/sit-in between H-9 and G-9 in May.

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