
Diamer Bhasha Dam project will be an important milestone for Pakistan, Shahbaz Sharif

Prime Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif has said that if we move the Diamer Bhasha Dam project beyond collective strength, it will be an important milestone for Pakistan. The early establishment of powerhouses here is of equal importance.

Addressing the function of Diamer Bhasha Dam, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that our work is our responsibility. I am happy that this project was started by former Minister Nawaz Sharif and Shahid Khaqan Abbasi continued on this project. Work in progress which will be completed soon.

Praising General Muzammil of WAPDA, he said that he helped us a lot and solved the problems faced in the project. We hope that this project will be completed soon. Financial matters are also important.

“I saw the presentation on the project and I am very satisfied that you are raising funds from the international market through other instruments including Euro, bond, Sukuk, and others,” he said.

He said that I think the early establishment of powerhouses here is of equal importance, from where you can earn money, the dam will help Pakistan’s economy, our lands will be irrigated and many important issues. Are connected to it, in which we will be able to reap the benefits.

The Prime Minister said that powerhouses would also attract the attention of international investors while providing financial benefits to us, and I would suggest that it would be better to include it in the C-Pack, but Everything needs to be done very quickly.

“I did not come here to talk about politics because we have a lot of opportunities, to tell the truth, and to reveal the activities that have taken place in the last three and a half years, but I would definitely like to appreciate the tremendous teamwork that the Chinese company and Ongoing in collaboration with FWO.

“I would like to ask those who are working on this project to find a way to complete this project before the set date of 2029. Nothing is impossible in the world,” he said.

He said that this project was started by the PML-N government and the funds for acquiring land for this project were also released by our own government, but there were significant difficulties in acquiring land which could be solved.

Shahbaz Sharif said that if we can carry forward this project with collective strength, it will be an important milestone in the history of Pakistan, the dam is an important project to energize the life of Pakistan.

He said that what could be worse for this nation than that 125, 130 million acre-feet of water passes through here, and out of this we are barely able to save only 25 to 30 million acre-feet of water.

“If we save this water without going into the past but learning from the past, it will be a great achievement for us and this dam will play an important role in it. This development will not only strengthen Pakistan but also will also increase the age of the Tarbela Dam by 30 to 35 years.

He said that since I have been the Prime Minister for the last six days, the department from which I have been briefing has raised my eyebrows at how we have wasted our 4 years, we have the capacity of a hydraulic plant. But it is not being used because we do not have enough oil and gas.

He said that he had tried to misrepresent the facts in front of the nation and it was not his habit and he would never do such a thing.

The Prime Minister said that you have done a lot of development work here but there is a lack of a hospital that will benefit the people of the region.

He directed the officials that there was a need for a 200-bed hospital with complete equipment and it would be run with the help of specialists.

The Prime Minister directed the Chief Secretary to inform me within a week about all the basic information about the hospital. Free treatment and medicine will be provided in this hospital.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister while announcing the construction of Babu Sir Terminal also informed about its benefits.

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