
What is the relationship between Finger Length and Covid 19 intensity?

Did you know that in general, the index finger of a man is smaller than his third finger while in women the index finger is bigger than the third finger (ring finger)?

The answer is hidden in our hormones, for example, having a large third finger in men indicates high levels of testosterone while having a large index finger indicates high levels of estrogen.

But is there a connection between the length of the fingers and the intensity of the covid 19?

The answer is yes, or at least a new medical study claims so.

A study by Swansea University of Wales examined the relationship between the levels of both hormones and coronary heart disease.

Most people infected with the coronavirus have mild to moderate symptoms, but not least those who need to be hospitalized, with a higher rate of age (older people are more ill) and sex (compared to women). It is more likely to be more severe in men.

In view of this, the researchers examined in depth the relationship between the intensity of testosterone and covid 19.

Researchers have found that those whose index finger is larger than a third are more likely than others to have serious code symptoms.

The results, he said, suggest that the severity of covid 19 in both men and women may be linked to lower levels of testosterone and higher levels of estrogen.

He added that observation of patients being treated in hospital reinforces the idea that people with low testosterone levels and high estrogen levels are more likely to have serious complications of covid 19, which could lead to a possible explanation. That’s why older men are part of the high-risk group.

Keep in mind that with age, testosterone levels in men decrease and in old age it is at the lowest level.

The researchers said that this is an important discovery because it could help identify people who may be at high risk for covid 19.

Anti-androgen (testosterone) trials are being conducted to treat covid 19 and according to researchers, our research will help to further understand covid 19 and improve the process of identifying antiviral drugs which will shorten hospital stay. Will happen and the death rate will also decrease.

The researchers said that their research work will continue and more people will be involved in it, the results are expected to come out soon.

The results of the study were published in the medical jaredy Journal Scientific Reports.

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