
We Can Live With Corona Virus, Pfizer CEO

The Coronavirus epidemic has been going on for more than two years, and Albert Borla, CEO of the vaccine company Pfizer, says the world needs to learn to live with covide19.

Speaking to the crowd at the SXSW event, Pfizer CEO said: “I think we can live with this virus as we are living with hundreds of other viruses now.”

“Although people around the world are tired of taking precautions like the use of face masks and social distance, the virus is still spreading,” he said.

He said he also highlighted the importance of oral medications for the treatment of covid 19 because he still believed that many people could be infected with the virus.

He said the reason could be to avoid using booster doses, not getting vaccinated, or meeting someone who has not used vaccines.

“That’s why the role of treatment can be so important,” he said.

He added that Pfizer’s goal is to develop a vaccine that can be used on an annual basis, like a flu shot.

But he also said he did not expect most people to follow the vaccine dosage every year.

Albert Borla also spoke about the differences between the Trump administration and the Biden administration.

He said Pfizer was under pressure to receive money under Donald Trump’s Operation War Speed.

Operation War Speed ​​was launched by the US government to speed up the production of the Covide 19 vaccine and to make it available to the American people.

Similarly, Pfizer CEO said in an interview on March 13 that the company was submitting data on the fourth dose of the vaccine to the Food and Drug Administration.

They believe that the fourth dose of the vaccine is necessary to prevent the disease.

“At the moment we think a fourth dose is necessary,” he added. The third dose of the protection code is best for preventing hospitalization and the risk of death, but it is not good enough to prevent the disease.

Albert Borla said the company was working on a new vaccine that would protect against all types of viruses, including omicron while protecting it for at least a year.

“Omicron is the first type of virus to be able to attack immune defenses. We also know that vaccine protection does not last very long,” he said.

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